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SRX6077652: GSM3893153: vegetative mycelium, replicate 3; Auriculariopsis ampla; RNA-Seq
1 ILLUMINA (NextSeq 500) run: 14.9M spots, 4.4G bases, 1.7Gb downloads

Submitted by: NCBI (GEO)
Study: Comparative genomics reveals unique wood-decay strategies and fruiting body development in the Schizophyllaceae
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Agaricomycetes produce the most efficient enzyme systems to degrade wood and the most complex morphological structures in the fungal kingdom. Despite decades-long interest in their genetic bases, the evolution and functional diversity of both wood-decay and fruiting body formation are incompletely known.Here, we perform comparative genomic and transcriptomic analyses of wood-decay and fruiting body development in Auriculariopsis ampla and Schizophyllum commune (Schizophyllaceae), species with secondarily simplified morphologies and enigmatic wood-decay strategy and weak pathogenicity to woody plants. The plant cell wall degrading enzyme repertoires of Schizophyllaceae are transitional between those of white rot species and less efficient wood-degraders such as brown rot or mycorrhizal fungi. Rich repertoires of suberinase and tannase genes were found in both species, with tannases restricted to Agaricomycetes that preferentially colonize bark-covered wood, suggesting potential complementation of their weaker wood-decaying abilities and adaptations to wood colonization through the bark. Fruiting body transcriptomes of A. ampla and S. commune revealed a high rate of divergence in developmental gene expression, but also several genes with conserved developmental expression, including novel transcription factors and small-secreted proteins, some of the latter might represent fruiting body effectors. Taken together, our analyses highlighted novel aspects of wood-decay and fruiting body development in a widely distributed family of mushroom-forming fungi. Overall design: Five development stages of Auriculariopsis ampla sampled, with three biological replicates in each group.
Sample: vegetative mycelium, replicate 3
SAMN12077203 • SRS4979461 • All experiments • All runs
Instrument: NextSeq 500
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Selection: cDNA
Layout: PAIRED
Construction protocol: Total RNA was extracted using the Quick-RNA Miniprep kit (Zymo Research), following the manufacturer's protocol Library generation was performed using the TrueSeq RNA Library Preparation Kit v2 (Illumina) according to the manufacturer's instructions. RNA quality and quantity were assessed using RNA ScreenTape and Reagents on TapeStation (all from Agilent); only high quality (RIN >8.0) total RNA samples were processed. Next, RNA was DNaseI (ThermoFisher) treated and the mRNA was purified based on PolyA selection and fragmented. First strand cDNA synthesis was performed using SuperScript II (ThermoFisher) followed by second strand cDNA synthesis, end repair, 3'-end adenylation, adapter ligation and PCR amplification. Purification was done using AmPureXP Beads (Beackman Coulter). DNA concentration of each library was determined using the KAPA Library Quantification Kit for Illumina (KAPA Biosystems)
Runs: 1 run, 14.9M spots, 4.4G bases, 1.7Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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